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Some folks learn better through their ears, and others just like to listen once in awhile.  Here are CD’s you can order and listen to—over and over:

“Your Romance Coach Interviews Allie”

Are you interested in finding out what Romance Coaching can do for you, but you are afraid to ask? Here’s the easiest way possible to find out: A few months ago, Kathryn got on the phone with one of her Romance Clients, 61 year old never-married woman.

Allie, through her coaching with Kathryn, went from being terrified and swearing she would never do it to putting up a profile and now having an active dating life. Hear how Allie did it with Kathryn’s help, and get a sense of what Romance Coaching would be like for you.

“Your Romance Coach Interviews Lynn”

Would you be interested to find out what Romance Coaching did for one of Kathryn’s clients?  Listen to Kathryn’s interview with her client Lynn.  Lynn offered to share her story with other singles so that they could hear her excitment and pleasure at finally meeting the man of her dreams.

When Kathryn and Lynn started working together, to say that Lynn was discouraged is an understatement.  Lynn had a very hard time keeping a positive frame of mind.  Hear how Lynn perserved, despite her reservations, and succeeded.  With some Romance Coaching, you could have similar wonderful results.

Interested in hearing Allie and/or Lynn’s story? .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


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