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| Sweet Deals! |

Would you like to have a romantic getaway – or honeymoon – on an island in Maine? You would?

Well, here’s the deal: Drew and I live summers on Deer Isle in the mid-coast region of Maine. We’ve got a sweet little apartment that we rent to people who want a quiet, relaxing Maine island experience. Want to see? Click here!

We’re offering a three day stay every summer to a lucky couple who have met with my Romance Coaching help! That includes ALL of you who were aided somehow in meeting your Sweetheart by my Romance Coaching, enewsletter *eMAIL to eMATE*, my books and articles, or my blog. I know there are lots of you out there, and I want to know your stories! We all do!

Here’s what you need to do to enter the contest: Write me the story of you and your Sweetie, how you met, and how I helped. This doesn’t need to be long, let’s say, 250 words or less, but it does need to have a picture of the happy couple with it. And you need to include how something I did helped you in your search. And know that by entering, you are giving me permission to publish your story and photo. Don’t worry, I won’t use your full names, so you won’t come up in Google search.

It’s so important for singles to know that finding love these days is really possible, and there is nothing like real life stories to rev up the dating energy. Use your story to give hope to others, and by the way, win a honeymoon!

And of course, you’ll get to meet me in the bargain!

Here’s how to enter: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (250 words or less) and a digital photo of the two of you. That’s it! I’ll be collecting stories, and will decide after the new year. Maybe on Valentine’s Day? How does that sound?

So get writing now and send your story! Or getting dating so that you can enter. Or get online and start looking. You’ve got a half year or more: Create your own romance and WIN!


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| Sweet Deals! |

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