Just for You—in Person!

Would you like to have some time just for you,
one-on-one, with me?

Maybe you've got questions particular to your situation, for which there are no easy answers. Perhaps you'd like a real person to relate to, someone who could help you tailor a plan suited just for you. Maybe you could use a regular dose of encouragement to keep you on track to finding your love.

Ready for time on the phone with me?

Contact me now!

Or pick just what you need at Your Sweetheart Store

I offer several ways for you to talk to me: You can purchase "time as you go," 1/2 or 1 hour blocks of time, when YOU need it. If it's profile help only that you want, we can do that, too. Both options are available at Your Sweetheart Store

If you'd like more regular contact with me directly, I accept a few clients for ongoing coaching as my schedule permits. The best way to explore that possibility is to sign up for an individual session at Your Sweetheart Store and we'll talk about that option for you.

(Want to know more about what happens in Romance Coaching? Click here!)

How about a Profile Review and Re-Do?

Ready to set up your Profile Review with me?
Email me now!

Every one of my clients have needed help getting their dating profiles slicked up for Internet dating. When you think about it, your profile and picture are your online presence, 24/7. Who knows when Mr. or Ms. Right might stumble on what you have posted? Don't you want what's out there in Cyberspace to look your best, and not like you just rolled out of bed after a too late night?

I really enjoy helping singles get their Internet profiles bright and shiny. And frankly, I'm good at it. I have such a good time, and my clients are so pleased, that I do these Profile shape-ups for a bargain price: $99, and guaranteed satisfaction. Ready to set up time to talk to me about getting you profile into A-1 condition? Email me right now! Or go to Your Sweetheart Store and click on Profile Review and Rehab. Let's get started!


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