My Story

My Vision Made Real

Our Wedding, March 31, 2001

Lifted Towards Our Future By Our Family And Friends

Arriving at our wedding site

Meeting and then marrying Drew meant an enormous change in my life.

What made it possible was that I had a vision, though I really didn't know it then. I didn't have the language of "Coaching" and "Visioning" to guide me. But this was my vision, of our family and friends surrounding my partner and me and lifting us up towards our new life together. If I could actualize such a tremendous change, so can you!

Of course I can't promise an ending like mine, but I can help get you moving in a direction that will make your dreams more likely to happen.

I know how to do it because I did it.

Becoming a family: My new daughter Mishelle and new son Paul

A new life together, and first-time motherhood at age 52!

You can realize your dreams of a fuller future, a partner and family.

CyberRomance Coaching can help.

If I did it, so can you! Let's talk about how I can help you. To set up a complimentary first CyberRomance coaching session, just contact me today.

Your dreams will become as important to me as my own. I'm looking forward to helping your dream become a reality.


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