Ready for Coaching Scoring


23-28-- Wowee, are you ready! I'd love to work with you! Email me now or go to Your Sweetheart Store and purchase your choice of coaching packages! I'll then get in touch and set up time to get started with your Romance Coaching and search for love.

15-22 -- You are a little mixed in your feelings about coaching and dating. Let's set up a time to talk and see if you can get clearer about whether dating and Romance Coaching is right for you now in your life. Email me to set up time to talk! Or go to Your Sweetheart Store and purchase the time that fits for you.

8-15 -- You are seriously ambivalent about doing what needs to be done to date and find a mate. A great step for you now might be my book "Find A Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women." In it, I take you step by step through the obstacles I have seen women trip themselves up on. Take a closer look at my book by clicking here.

0-7 -- Dangerous! You are clearly not in a good place for to start looking for a mate, and also not ready for coaching. I am virtually certain that you will undermine yourself in your efforts to find a Sweetheart! Take these results seriously. But don't do nothing. Your negativity is likely more than a coaching situation could handle. Perhaps finding a therapist would be a better way to go for you now, until you can get more clearly positive about your direction.

Ready to set up time to talk to me?  Email me now! And my best wishes to you in your efforts! 

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord


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