What people are saying about Kathryn Lord and Romance Coaching
Kathryn, I was stuck in a rut with my dating life. I had backed myself into a corner with some theories and strategies that may have been useful 10-20 years ago but were doing nothing for me and my current situation. You helped me get unstuck, helped me see my situation realistically and practically. For the first time in 12 years, I actually have a boyfriend. He might not be the 'perfect match', but he is a nice guy and a decent person. I like having him in my life; it adds another dimension that had been missing for so long.
Marianne M.

I woke up to a full mailbox. Unbelievable. Men, men everywhere laying their souls out so sincerely it makes you want to cry (or run?). I thought you'd get a kick out of this, sweetie. It's nice to see the guys jumping to premature conclusions for a change. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for a wonderful session this week. You're the best, Kathryn.

Dear Kathryn,
I loved reading your newsletter and will look forward to the next one. I agree that you need to be READY to actually FIND your soul mate. It has taken me a long time to reach that point - in fact, 10 years. I thought I had to have someone immediately after my divorce, but now realize there were many hang-u ps, hurt feelings, and negative attitudes that needed to be dealt with before I could actually allow the "right" person into my life. Think that's why I had to "kiss so many frogs" before realizing that what I thought I wanted was not the best thing for me. And CyberDating was what allowed me to expand my search, otherwise, Tallahassee would have been it for me and we both know there are lots more available women than men here.
Love, Betsy

Hi Kathryn!!
Things are going great w/me and I've been seeing Clark all the time. He's the best thing that ever happened to me.... we go for walks in the park, go to church together, gone to a company party w/him, a concert he played in last week, a christening, etc.... I really enjoy being w/him and will be seeing him again tonight! I never would have gotten into Match.com w/out your support, THANKS!!!!!!!!!

HI Kathryn!!! It´s a long time I don't talk to you, I hope you remember me. I am the girl living in Manaus (Amazon). I am a biologist, I had th chance to talk to you once, and you sent me a book, remember?!?!/
Well, I am not single anymore, I met a guy on the internet, and I have had a wonderful time with him. He is from here, but he has a different way to be. After reading your book, cheking all the steps to find out the best way to look for someone I got the one!!! I could never imagine I was supose to find my man in the Amazon, what exciting :) Best regards, Larissa

Dear Kathryn,
I must admit the profile essay you wrote exceeded my expectations. You really caught the "gist" of me and I love the interactive, inviting tone. You don't think the words, "confident" and "car" in the first paragraph are too intimidating? Just kidding, because I have a habit of running over the meek and mild.
I am ready to proceed and revise my profile. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You did a fabulous job and I appreciate your excellent help.
I will let you know if anyone interesting rolls in. Hope you are feeling back to normal and thanks again for your excellent ideas.
With warm regards,

I'm already hooked by your enthusiasm and trying to maneuver through this new dating scene online. After 30 years of marriage, a divorce, and the fact that at 52 I'm completely overwhelmed by the whole process of meeting someone of quality to share the next chapters of my life with, your coaching looks like a light at the end of a long tunnel. So, bring it on!
Best Regards,

1.) Kathyrn was able to help me in my areas of weakness. When things got difficult or scary with the guy I was dating, my usual pattern was to cut and run. But Kathryn helped me see these difficult situations from a new perspective and she gave me the tools to successfully navigate them.
2.) Kathryn has a positive attitude and a supportive listening ear, but she is also very rooted in reality. She helped me come up with real solutions to real problems. Her very practical approach was just what I needed so that I could get results.
3.) Kathryn is a rare breed: a funny, happy, and smart, middle-aged woman who also happens to be happily married and doing what she wants to do in her life. A great role model.
Mona Q.

Hi! Kathryn,
You did a fabulous job on my profile. You make me sound like such a fun and exciting person. I know for certain, that although I know who I am, I would never be able to put it in words like the way you have done.
Thank you very much.

Yes I'm having great fun! Your words are so wise- maybe when we fix the date for Jan's arrival I'll plan a call with you. The other guy- well, we were to meet in 2 weeks- I don't know if I should go ahead or not- am thinking about this. He is away for the week in Belgium. Linda had a great email from a guy yesterday. This is fantastic- we think you're great- motivating us and cheering us on! Life begins again at 55...

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