Upcoming Workshops with Your Romance Coach 2006:

“Talk to Your Romance Coach—For FREE!"

Date: Wednesday, July 12

Time: 8pm Eastern

Where: On the phone

Cost: Free

Do you have a question or two about Online dating and you don’t know who to ask? Would you like to spend an hour with other singles like you who are thinking
about or doing Internet dating? Have you been thinking about finding someone to help you get started in a mate search? Find out more...

“Thinking of Trying Love Online?
Introduction to Internet Dating"

Dates: Four Wednesdays, August 2, 9, 16, and 23

Time: 8pm Eastern

Where: On the phone

Cost: $99, or “Bring a Buddy” and the two of you can attend for $150.

Millions of singles just like you are now taking advantage of the greatest romance tool since the invention of Valentine’s Day. If you have been dabbling at CyberRomance, just thinking about it, or even appalled—but curious—by the mere thought, “Thinking of Trying Love Online?” is for you. Join Your Romance Coach Kathryn Lord as she helps you learn how to increase your dating chances many times over. Find out more...

“Platinum Profiles: Shine Online!"

Dates: Four Wednesdays, September 6, 13, 20 and 27

Time: 8pm Eastern

Where: On the phone

Cost: $99, or “Bring a Buddy” and the two of you can attend for $150.

If you are single and wish you weren’t, Internet dating sites provide the best resource imaginable. Not since you were in high school or college will you find so many interesting, attractive, and available people literally right at your fingertips!

Anyone looking around these online matchmaking sites can easily see who has put time and energy into their profiles and who hasn’t. Bad examples are all too easy to spot, while a good one with a classy photo stands out like a beacon.Find out more...

“Be a Sweetheart Wizard!"

Date: Unscheduled—Inquire for next offering: Contact Kathryn

Time: 8pm Eastern

Where: On the phone

Cost: Free

I’ve had such a wonderful response to my new book “Find a Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women” that I am starting a new FREE monthly teleclass, just for those who have purchased the book. Would you like to join such a group? Allit takes is to purchase “Find a Sweetheart Soon!” and then letting me know that you want to be on the list for the monthly sessions. Find out more...

“Find A Sweetheart Quick Start!"

Dates: Unscheduled—Inquire for next offering: Contact Kathryn

Time: 8pm Eastern

Where: On the phone

Cost: $99, or “Bring a Buddy” and the two of you can attend for $150

Have you been out of the dating scene for awhile and find the thought of getting back in paralyzing? Or have you been dating and dating and dating, only to still be single? “Find-A-Sweetheart Quick Start!” will get you ready for dating, or help you discover how you have been undermining yourself with your efforts. Be as ready as you can possibly be for dating—in just one month! Find out more...


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