What is Romance Coaching?
You've found me, and lucky you! Not only do I have more that 30 years' experience working with singles and couples as a psychotherapist, but also, I met my husband online. (Psst! Want to know more about my experience and qualifications? Click here!)
Internet dating worked so well for us that I decided to devote myself to making it work for other singles who yearn for a lasting relationship. While Drew and I were able to figure out how to meet our best Sweetheart, it wasn't easy, and it was often terrifying. I don't think the search for love has to be so horrid, and that's why I've become a Romance Coach.
How can Kathryn Lord help me?
I've worked hard to learn all about the twists and turns of finding love online. I write about what I know and what's new here on my website and my blog, and also in my twice-monthly enewsletter *eMAIL to eMATE* (You haven't subscribed yet? Here's how!) You'll find loads of information here, on my blog and in *eMAIL to eMATE* and it is all absolutely free!
I also am constantly developing ebooks and articles on all kinds of issues related to Internet dating and finding a mate. Those products I do charge for, but not much. You can find all my written offerings on my website at Your Sweetheart Store.
If you've got romantic and Internet dating questions you can't find the answers to here or in Your Sweetheart Store, or if you would like my personalized, just-for-you advice, you can set up time to talk with me on the phone.
Time with me -- while pricey -- is the very best service I offer, so if you want access to what I know, tailored just for you and your situation, individual coaching is the way to go.
(If you are a man, don't worry: About 1/3 of my Romance clients are men. My Romance Coaching works equally well for men and women.)
What's Romance Coaching like?
I'll start by asking you why you have gotten in touch and what you have done so far to find a mate. If you have a profile on a dating site, I'll want to take a look at it. Almost all my clients need help getting their profile into top shape.
You'll be able to ask me anything you want. While most folks will want to know the in's and out's of online dating, they also may want to talk about relationship issues and dating styles.
Sometimes people want to know if I have a plan or program that I will put them through: NO! I do have 30 plus years of psychotherapy practice and 5 plus years of developing my Romance Coaching expertise that I draw on while on the phone with you. You'll have the benefit of all that experience and knowledge, at your complete disposal. We will start where you are, and go where you need to go.
What kind of questions do other singles ask?
I'll bet that some of your questions I've heard before. Here's a sample of what I get asked regularly:
What are the best dating sites for me?
Why don't my emails get answered?
How do I tell him or her about _____ (you fill in the blank)?
How do I handle rejection?
What can I do to improve my luck?
Can you help me with my profile?
Why am I getting such poor results?
Do I have to post a photo?
Do I know the answers to those questions? You betcha, and lots more, too.
You probably have your own questions, too. Remember, I've been in the people business a long time and there's not much I haven't heard or dealt with. Try me.
Want to try Romance Coaching? Here's how:
The quickest way to set up time with me is to go to Your Sweetheart Store and order a phone session (or sessions) with me. I get in touch with you, set up time to talk, and we'll get to your business.
You can also email me: Go to Contact Kathryn and fill out the email form. I'll get in touch with you, usually within a day. PS Watch for my email. I ALWAYS answer my emails, so if you haven't heard from me in 24 hours, check your spam filter. If you give me your phone number and I don't hear back from you by email, I'll try to call.
How much does Romance Coaching cost?
An hour or half-hour on the phone with me may be all that you need. Maybe you'd just like to pick my brain (there's a lot to pick, believe me!). Or you may just want some help on your profile.
Some people want to have ongoing access to me and they know it. If you would like an ongoing relationship with me where you could count on access and regular time with me on the phone, then we could talk about a more traditional coaching relationship.
Because my time is limited, I take on just a few new ongoing coaching clients. If you'd like to talk about ongoing coaching with me, the way to start is with The Romantic Mini. That will give both of us a chance to figure out if working together this way would be the best for you.
The cost depends on the amount of time you want or need. You can find out the exact charges at Your Sweetheart Store.
