Out with the old, in with the cute.

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Sweetheart Products
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Just the Facts

Sweetheart Products

I’ve written ebooks and ebooklettes, articles and reviews. I’ve designed wear-ables and Find-a-Sweetheart doo-dads, all to help you in your search for love.

“Find A Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women"
To get the very best Sweetheart, you’ll need to be your best. Your best is attractive, relaxed, and confident, self-assured, focused, and strong. When you finish “Find A Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women," you’ll be your very best—you won’t be able to be otherwise! Want to know more? Click Here!
Ready to buy?
Downloadable ebook $24.95!
Hard copy $29.95 plus shipping!

“Looking for Action? The Find a Sweetheart Party Planner"
When Kathryn was single and living in a new city , she started throwing parties every month. Within a year, she had built a vibrant, exciting social circle. Now Kathryn has described just what she did, and by following her book “Looking for Action? The Find a Sweetheart Party Planner" step by step, you too can become the center of the fun. Order your copy now!  (P. S. Want to know more? Click here!)
Downloadable ebook $19.95! Your own hard copy $24.95 plus shipping.

“Ten Days to Get Lucky at Love"
Have you ever noticed yourself saying things like “I haven’t had any luck with Internet dating” or “Why do other people have all the lcuk and I can’t get a date?” Most people think that luck is something that “just happens” to you, good or bad.  But research has found that there are significant differences in the way lucky and unlucky people think and act.  Now you can learn how to change your luck for the better.  Who wouldn’t want that?

Romance Coach Kathryn Lord has combined the research on influencing luck with her knowledge about singles and romance into an easy, 10 day virtual course.  When you sign up, you’ll get one lesson a day for ten days that can’t help but leave you luckier
Sign up now—only $19.95 to get lucky: Click here!

“The First Find-a-Sweetheart Article Collection"
Would you like to have dozens of Kathryn ‘s articles that she wrote just for you, all in one place? In “The First Find-a-Sweetheart Article Collection” you’ll find seven articles on profile reading and writing. Three on why to post a great photo and how to get one. Seven on getting and keeping a great attitude. Five articles on lie detecting, truth telling, and finding out more about your date. And LOTS more! Order your copy right now!
Only $19.95 for your downloadable ebook!

“The Find-a-Sweetheart Guide to Your Love Library"
Your Romance Coach has collected her reviews of more than 25 books together in “The Find-a-Sweetheart Guide to Your Love Library.” If you head for the bookstore when you are getting ready to start something new, you’ll appreciate how Kathryn sorts through the titles and tells you which ones are the best to buy. Think of the money you’ll save! Click here to order your copy now!
Only $19.95 for your downloadable ebook!


Every once in awhile, I offer a workshop, designed to help you move forward in your search for love.  Here are workshops that mgiht be coming up soon—click on the title you are interested in to
find out more:

  • “Talk to Your Romance Coach—For FREE!"
  • “Platinum Profiles: Shine Online!"
  • "Introduction to Internet Dating"

Dating Sites:

Match.com I love Match.com. How could I not? It’s where Drew and I met in May, 1998.  Match.com is the Grandma of dating sites, and has a huge membership. Click here!

Yahoo! Personals   I’m a recent convert to Yahoo! Personals, particularly Yahoo’s new Premier program.  Yahoo! Personals and Match.com vie for first place in the size category. Both are big, and each good places to start your search. Click here!

eHarmony.com I’ve heard such mixed reports about eHarmony.  I’m not at all sure that I would use it myself, but if you like a highly structured process where the site does the picking for you, eHarmony might be just what you are looking for.  Click here!


Bonnie Wills (know as Bonnie the Matchmaker www.BonnieTheMatchmaker.com ) is an old fashioned, personalized matchmaker located in Arizona. Bonnie has been matchmaking since 1994. She has referred many of her clients to Kathryn. Bonnie can be reached at

Professional Photos:

-->LookBetterOnline.com --> If you have known me for a while, you know that I really push my Romance clients to get professional photos.  LookBetterOnline is a fantastic and reasonably priced resource for a great photo. One of their photographers took the photo of me that is on my
book cover—I love it! -->Click here! --> Want to know what NOT to do with your photo? Read my Top 10 list!

Put Your Best Face Forward

Your Romance Library

I read everything that I see on the market about Internet dating and relationships in general.  I’ve developed a “Top Ten List" of books that I think are the best titles for your Sweetheart Library. If you like to research and read about dating and relationships, you’ll love this list! And BONUS! Most of my picks I’ve reviewed. My reviews are linked to this list, so you can read what I had to say.

See my recommendations—Click here!

Email Articles

Read one of my favorite articles on a great way to become attractive to women: Send an email to !

Are you concerned that you won’t be able to tell if your new Sweetheart is telling the truth?  Send an email to
and get my article on how to spot lying by return email.

Having an anonymous email address will help you protect your privacy as an online dater.  Want to know how to set up a free one? Send an email to for my free set of instructions!

Just the Facts

Did you know that 82 million men and women in the United States are unmarried? Click here for more informative, fun, and little-known facts about singles, relationships, Internet dating!


Contact Kathryn by phone at , by email at


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