Psst! Do You Have a Secret? Subscribe to *eMAIL to eMATE* now and get my popular eReport "How to Tell Your Sweetheart the Worst"—normally $10, absolutely free for new subscribers!

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*eMAIL to eMATE*

And get my free gift to you , just for subscribing! What everyone wants to know: "Do You Have a Secret? How to Tell Your Sweetheart the Worst."

If you are like most singles, you worry about how you are going to tell a potential Sweetheart something that you usually keep a secret. Here are some things that my Romance Clients have had to tell about: Time spent in jail, bankruptcies, abortions and children given up for adoption, past sexual and physical abuse, messy divorces, out-of-the-mainstream sexual practices, weight, height, age or hair (too much or too little of each), disastrous family relationships, substance abuse history, and unemployment.

You may have similar secrets, or new ones to add to the list. You know that you can't hide them from a partner forever, but you worry "What will they think? Will they still love me?"

My report "Do You Have a Secret? How to Tell Your Sweetheart the Worst" is just what you need -- and it is absolutely free with your subscription to my incredibly helpful enewsletter *eMAIL to eMATE* -- which is also completely FREE!

Subscribe to *eMAIL to eMATE Now!

Would you like to have the freshest information available about Internet Dating delivered free to your email box? Would you like to read what others are experiencing and saying about online romance? Would you like to get to know me and more about what I do as a Romance Coach in a fun, easy to read format, with no cost or obligation?

Become a part of my growing community of CyberRomantics. Now you will know others who are looking for a Sweetheart, just like you are, and using the Internet to do so. Get the benefit of my experience in every issue, be first to know of my contests and special offers, and know who to call if you want more -- me! I'm Kathryn Lord, Your Romance Coach!

Subscribe to *eMAIL to eMATE* now -- and get my FREE eReport "Do You Have a Secret? How to Tell Your Sweetheart the Worst"



What My Readers are Saying about *eMAIL to eMATE*:

I found out about your site from my mother, and I visited it immediately and subscribed to your newsletter. I am ADDICTED! *eMAIL to eMATE* is the best. You give a sense of caring and true respect, which is rare to find. And you add fun to the serious stuff. Thanks for caring about people like me.


More Reader Comments:

I love reading your newsletter - lots of great ideas -- I particularly appreciated your book review on "No Good Men" -- . At the age of 46, after being divorced seven years, I found a wonderful partner who I've been with for 2 1/2 years now. I couldn't be happier. There ARE good men out there, at all ages. It takes a lot of looking and perseverance, but at least in my case, it's been more than worth the investment!


You've taught me that 'finding love' takes patience, focus and positive thinking. When I begin to feel lonely or discouraged, you have a knack of filling in the gaps with a story to inspire me, a suggestion to keep me involved with people or a giggle to light my day. Its not that I'll never find romance - its just 'not yet'!




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