Kathryn's Blog

Get Anonymous Phone Numbers

Via an article on Time.com:

..thanks to Vumber you can get many numbers with only one phone — and even numbers from more desirable area codes. You can be reached at a New York City number one minute and L.A. the next, or small-town Alabama, where you really live. If the person dialing one of the numbers turns out to be a less than desirable caller, poof! the number disappears with a few keystrokes. “You can vanish without a trace,” said Geoff Schneider, executive vice president of Vumber.

Vumber is free for the first 100 minutes, then $4.95 for the first month. then $9.95.  You can also buy packages of minutes, but with the way singles tend to talk on the phone, a monthly plan sounds best to me. 

I have a client who lives in New Jersey but would like to date women in Manhattan.  This could give him a Manhattan phone number, though the cheat wouldn’t work forever.

Match.com offers Matchtalk, which uses Jangl’s technology.  MatchTalk was offered for free, but will soon be a $6.99 per month add-on to a Match.com membership.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



Hi kathry,
my interest is finding a sweetheart a lady willing to call me and wishing to have a relationship.
if any available please get back to me as soon with her details and photo.
email me.

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