Kathryn's Blog

Lots of Love Stories - PlentyofFish

PlentyofFish Inundated With Marriage Success Stories

Last Friday PlentyofFish Launched a Success Stories Section. Five Days Later the Section Surpassed 295 Marriage Testimonials and Photographs

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 13 /PRNewswire/—On Friday 9th February PlentyofFish launched a section devoted to member marriage testimonials. Within three hours, ninety marriage success stories had been uploaded. Now, five days later there are a total of 295 marriage success stories, complete with photos. See http://www.plentyoffish.com/success.aspx.

Industry analyst and watchdog, Mark Brooks, of OnlinePersonalsWatch.com stated, “No other top tier dating site has such an extensive marriage testimonials section. Nothing is more compelling than real testimonials from real users.”

Founder Markus Frind built PlentyofFish.com in 2003 to practice his ASP.net programming skills. The growth since then has been driven by word of mouth referrals. PlentyofFish now gets 400,000 user logins a day and Markus continues to operate it from his Vancouver apartment, and has declined numerous offers of venture capital funding.

The average age of U.S. PlentyofFish members is 39. PlentyofFish is the most popular dating site in Canada, the 6th most popular in the U.S.A. and the 6th most popular in the U.K. (See rankings at OnlinePersonalsWatch.com).

PlentyofFish attributes its continued success to being the only top ten dating site dedicated to remaining completely free, and using behavioral matchmaking, in contrast with the likes of eHarmony, Match.com and TRUE.com. Markus stated, “PlentyofFish users tell me what they want through their behavior. I match them up with people based on algorithmic analysis of their actual behavior.”

The marriage testimonials continue to roll in. “It was love at first site. After a few dates we were inseparable. In October ‘06 Paul took me to a lovely restaurant. The waitresses presented me with an unordered dessert. I lifted the cover on the platter, and was shocked to see an absolutely beautiful ring! Paul proposed with teary eyes. We got married in Las Vegas and were shocked to learn that only two hours after our wedding ceremony, another couple who had found love on PlentyofFish.com got married in the same exact wedding chapel!!!!”



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