Kathryn's Blog

How Does Your Dating Site Rate?

If you are interested on how well your dating site is doing compared with others (and the stats can tell you a lot), here are a couple of articles that spell it out for you. 

Making the Match: Trends in Online Dating Sites (click this link to see the whole story with graphs)

Posted on Feb 4th, 2007 with stocks: IACI, YHOO

Max Freiert (Compete) submits: The holiday season is supposed to be a time when people come together. But for lonely singles, it can also highlight the fact that they are, well, lonely and single. Whether it’s for a New Years date, a resolution to finally find a soul mate, or even pressure from family to settle down, online dating services see a ramping up of activity, starting around Christmas. How does this trend look, and what does it mean for the big players in the industry?

The chart below ranks online dating services by member activity, which was described in more detail last month. The site rankings are relatively unchanged from last month. However, in general Member activity increased.

Beyond Skin Deep: The real top dating sites (Click this link for the whole article with graphs.)
Written by Max Freiert (e-mail)—December 28th, 2006 | Listen or download an audio version of this post Listen | EMail This Post

To differentiate themselves from the competition, online dating services use “data” like the number of members, criteria used in matchmaking or (my personal favorite) the number of marriages “created.” But how do these sites really stack up in terms of traffic?

Looking at the number of November site visitors, Yahoo Personals and TRUE lead the industry, with about 2 times the volume of 3rd place Match.



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