Kathryn's Blog

Men Looking for Much Younger Women?

According to Christopher Palmeri’s article “Must Love Wing Tips," Match.com says that men do indeed seek younger women: typcially 13 years younger. But at eHarmony (where 25% of men over 55 want women under 40), Dr. Neil Clark Warren often finds himself in the awkward position of explaining to these guys that the younger women just aren’t interested. “I’ve had men ask: ‘Do they know what I’m worth?” Warren says.

I guess these guys are aware that they are making a deal, they just don’t know the price yet.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



Yeah, I’ve found this to be true. I really like somebody on Yahoo and he’s three years older than me. He has listed an age range for his ideal match to be between 29 years to 43 years old. I’m 47 and wonder if he wouldn’t be interested even though I am three years younger than him. I looked at the women on that site to see what they wanted and it’s true, they don’t want a man that age. Most of the women in the age range he wants cut him off his age. This individual said in his profile he didn’t have kids and wanted them. Even his cutoff age for a woman has a high risk of giving him a baby with down syndrome. He has the finest face I’ve ever seen and he’s got that wonderful athletic body. I’m sure a lot of young women would like him, but he’s probably going to run into a generation gap. Men and women alike seem to like to cut the age range to 43 or 44 years old. What’s up with that? Do they think after 43 you suddenly become some frigid old lady on menopause? It certainly isn’t true with me. When I get to my fitness goal, I am going to be better than I was when I was 25. I’m getting in shape to look better than ever with hopes to beat this age crap. Age is just a number.

Oh, and why would they want a woman that is only interested in their money?

Eww, as a late 20 something single woman, there is NOTHING more disgusting than someone closer to my parents’ age thinking I’d be interested in them. Yet it’s not that uncommon. 

And, does anyone else think that men in their 40s and 50s who all of a sudden want kids are just selfish?  They probably won’t even live to see them grow up.  Any man over the age of about 35 who’s never been married, there tends to be a reason for it.

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