Kathryn's Blog

Online Dating Liars, Cheats and Scammers, Beware!

If you lie, cheat, or mislead people via Internet dating (or if you are concerned that someone will do it to you), you need to go on over to http://www.playersnitch.com/ and see the newest trend: reporting on who did what, with pictures, sceen names, and even full reports with identifying information.  I wrote about dontdatehimgirl.com earlier, which is a similar site. 

Playersnitch seems less catty and maybe less likely to be abused by folks who are just mad about a relationship gone bad.  I liked the reporting style—a whole list of possible sins: See list below this posting.  I was impressed frankly by the “restraint” of the reporters.  I think that the reporting style the site uses encourages preciseness and not just angry blasts.

The owner of the site sent me that you might want to check out—to see if you are pictured, or anyone you are dating.  I looked up some of the screen names of those identified as posting on Match.com.  Some were still there, using the same screen name.

So fair warning: If you lie, cheat or behave badly, more and more ways are springing up for your behavior to be reported.  If you don’t want your name and picture appearing on one of these sites, then keep your behavior impeccable.

It’s becoming clearer and clearer that lying and bad behavior brings daters no advantage at all, and in fact, is destructive to the liar themselves.  Your best defense is absolute honesty, above-board, kind and responsible behavior.  And insist on the same from others.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord

In a relationship
Last relationship is not over
Only wants sex
Dates multiple people
Sleeps with multiple people
Lies about age
Lies about height
Lies weight
Lies about body type
Lies about grey or balding hair
Lies about having children
Lies about employment status
Lies about financial security
Lies about where they live
Lies about health
Lies about smoking
Lies about drinking
Lies about drug use
Lies about what they are seeking
Lies about education
Posted old or misleading photos
Overly secretive
Is moody
Has a bad temper
Is a control freak
Is overly jealous
Will not commit to a relationship
Is an active alcoholic
Is a drug addict
Cyber stalking
Is physically violent
Steals money or property
Commits fraud for personal gain
Forges signatures or documents
Improperly transfers assets to self
Sexual assault
Claim of sexual interference by a child



A collection of some of the best free dating sites around today at http://freedatingdirectory.mysite.orange.co.uk

Dear Kathryn,

I do not believe that some oft those so called “lies” are so uncommon among women. Do you really think all women poste “new” photos? Do you really believe, that even a new photo tells the truth about how someone looks like? With a good photographer, you can easily gain 5 years. What about heir colour, age, weight, relationships, children?

And - did you never hear about married women dating men claiming they are single?

Women usually don’t behave like saints - and men do not expect them to do so.


Gebhard a.k.a sehpferd

Thanks for posting, Gebhard.  I was a little confused by your posting, but realized that you thought I was saying that only men lie.  Not so, of course.  Take another look at what I wrote: You will see that it is gender neutral, as is http://www.playersnitch.com/ Men can report women, women can report men, or men report men, and women, women.  Lying knows no gender, nor should reporting.


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