Kathryn's Blog

Be Careful What You Write

Even though sitting at your computer at home feels safe and private, it’s not.  We’ve all had plenty of warnings about predators and scammers, and I write about that too (see my blog entries about online dating safety).  As well as being careful to watch for dishonesty in others, it is equally important to be honest yourself and be very careful what you put up online for the whole world to see.

DontDateHimGirl.com is being sued by attorney Todd Hollis who apparently is identified by name and bad reports on the site by several women. 

DontDateHimGirl.com has an cute presentation and an interesting model: Women can post anonymously about bad/crooked/lying men.  While some sort of reporting system for bad apples sounds good and reasonable, it doesn’t take too much thinking to figure out how such reporting and sites could be misused.

So warnings on both ends: Keep your behavior clean, respectful and honest or you may end up being reported on for everyone to see.  And be careful what you write, that everyone can see as well.  Think of whatever you post online as becoming part of your resume.  Would you want your prospective employer to see it?  They might: Good old Google is a few keystrokes away. 

BTW, have you googled yourself lately?  Always good to know what would come up if your someone googled you.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



Great article.  People should really be using an online site to backup their vital records, account number, insurance policies, etc in addition to putting them in a safety deposit box at the bank.

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