Kathryn's Blog: What the Research Says

Who is marrying whom?

I’ve had a clipping from the New York Times sitting on my desk for months now, yellowing. It is too good to throw away, but too complicated for me to summarize in any meaningful way.  So I am going to put a link here and hope it stays active so that you can see it too.

The graph presents census data on interracial and interethnic marriages, spelling out graphically who is doing what to whom, or at least marrying. Regardless of what individuals say (indicating openness to matches with other racial or ethnic groups), more than 91% marry the same as they are. That almost 9% who cross racial and ethnic lines is more than double that of 30 years ago.  And the accompanying artcle suggests that we are heading for more and more loosening.

According to the graph, white men (5.3%) and women (4.4%) “marry out” at the lowest rate, while American Indians “marry out” at the highest rates, around 55% for both genders.

But take a look at the graph.  You’ll find it very interesting, I’ll bet.



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