Kathryn's Blog: About Kathryn and not about dating

Stawberries Galore

Strawberries are not just my logo: we grow them....

Drew says one of the things he loves about me is that I am game to do just about anything.  Really, he knows me well enough not to ask me to do things I WOULDN’T do, like sleep on the ground in a tent, but, yes, I am pretty adventurous.  And we tend to like the same things.

A real advantage to be of being married to Drew is that he loves to garden.  I’ve always gardened, but what I really like to do is pick the proceeds and then take care of them.  So Drew now does most of the gardening, we pick together, and in this case, I hull and clean quarts and quarts of strawberries.

Here’s the funny part: Our new home in Tallahassee is on a tiny lot that came landscaped and with irrigation.  We planned it that way, because our home in Maine is on several acres and has more than enough outside work to satisfy the farmer and lumberjack in us.  But our Tallahassee home does border on too tidy and perfect, so the first thing that we did was build a privacy fence around the back yard.  That way, we can let that patch grow a little wild and frowsy.  Then Drew pulled up most of the landscaping and put in fruiting things like citrus berries.  We planted strawberries under the shrubbery, they spread like crazy, and we are getting tons of berries this year.  Blueberries and blackberries are blossoming, as well as the lime, oranges, and grapefruit.  We have an edible yard. 

This morning for breakfast, we had our own strawberries, and then our jam on home made scones.  What a treat.

We’ve had so many strawberries lately that I’ve been making jam (I call it Southwood Yard Jam) and giving away the prettiest fresh berries.  I’m thinking of starting a modest fruit and vegetable stand on our front porch. 



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