Kathryn's Blog

Where To Go Online For "Just Sex"

Interested in just sex rather than a real relationship?  Skip the big sites like Match.com and Yahoo! Personals and go right to the booty:  AdultFriendFinder is the most flagrant, largest, and just plain dirty match up service that I know about.  And OnlineBootyCall is coming up fast (excuse the sexy reference). 

One of the funniest articles I have seen in a long time popped out this week on The Inquirer.  In the piece, Moses Brown, OnlineBootyCall’s CEO, announces that the site has produced only one marriage out of its million members.  “If we were less superficial, we would probably have more marriages and we certainly don’t want that,” Brown said.  OnlineBootyCall is not quite as dirty as AdultFriendFinder, where members regularly post photos of themselves and multiple others having sex, as well as pic after pic of sexual parts, but BootyCall’s photos make clear what is being offered. 

Is anyone still reading this, or have you all clicked over to AdultFriendFinder and OnlineBootyCall to look around?

While I virtually never suggest such sites to my clients (who are virtually always looking for long term relationships), these sites provide a real service that I wish more people knew about.  One of the biggest complaints and fears is married men (to a far less of an extent, married women) posing as single on sites like Match and Yahoo!  OnlineBootyCall is where those folks need to go.  Or AdultFriendFinder.  Leave the cleaner sites for people with cleaner motives.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



FuckMeandLeave.com A Fuckbuddy Network was formed in 2006 in response to the increasing demand for Adultdating Communities. The Internet as a medium lends itself well to this site due to it’s wide availability and the degree of anonymity for it’s users. We are a
straight to the point nonsense environment for people seeking real fuckbuddies. And though
we admit the name is a little raunchy, we will not apologize for it! Other dating sites hide the
the true meaning of there concept, we thought it was time to say what adultdating really is.
When you have a term like bootycall, it leaves room for stalling and playing games. When
your here given the name, nobody’s confused, and most of all it is undisputed why your here.
Most of all we are truly a 100% free site for those that want it to be free when you join. Here
you are not judged, nor are you in doubt. Everyone is here for the same thing!

While I would usually remove a comment like the previous one for being too “down and dirty” for my site, I’m not taking this one out because it relates directly to my original post and provides another resource for those looking for “just sex.”

I have been a psychotherapist for almost 30 years—Romance Coach is a new incarnation starting five years ago.  My specialty in my mental health practice was working with couples where there had been an affair.  I am in no way in favor of affairs as a way to handle marital discontent or boredom. An affair is an incredibly vicious and nasty attack on the marriage and the betrayed partner.  But as a Romance Coach who specializes in Internet dating issues, I want to get the folks who are married and looking for a sex partner off the regular dating sites.  They are a menace to seriously looking singles and threaten the success of dating sites long term.

Best, Kathryn

Take a look at Mark Brooks’ interesting blog entry about sites for married folks, as well as the comments, and one by yours truly:  http://onlinepersonalswatch.typepad.com/news/2006/09/monogamy_or_mon.html#comment-21874186

Older married gent looking for occasional times of Bliss with a Widow, Still single, or a Divorced lady, maybe even a married lady. I’m 69, 5’5”, 185lbs, Blue eyes, receding brwn/grey hairline, non smoker, clean, healthy, & Horny as Hell.


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