Kathryn's Blog

Why are Dating Site Prices Going Up?

One reason surely is that the big sites have been spending a lot more on advertising.  See this article from BrandWeek.com:

NEW YORK—Spending on advertising for online dating services has risen dramatically since 2004, according to data released today from Nielsen Monitor-Plus.

The advertising intelligence service said that while total media spend for such efforts was $149 million in the U.S. in 2004, it rose to $310 million the following year, and hit $430 million from January to November of 2006.

“The dating services industry has shown tremendous growth in terms of ad spending across all media, but most especially cable TV, online and local TV and local radio,” Brian Lane, svp-client strategy & product management for Nielsen Monitor-Plus, said in a statement.

NMP said the most recent figures for media chosen showed cable TV led the pack with $130.6 million in reported ad spending last year. The Internet was a close second at $127.3 million, and spot TV ads were third with $75.1 million spent.

Ubiquitous online dating service eHarmony.com was the biggest advertiser overall, spending $110 million in 2006. It was followed by IAC/InterActiveCorp, the parent company of Match.com, which spent $66 million on ads. In third place for overall spending was Teligence (parent company of Live Links, Tango, Redhot, Vibeline and Fonchat), which spent nearly $43 million.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



percieved value allows the price to go up.  Still less expensive than hanging around in bars.

However, if the ad prices go up, howcome the user prices don’t go down?  They should, but don’t.

Deals aren’t really deals--checks Match.com’s guarantee and what you have to do to get it.  Cheezy come-ons like true.com appeal to the clueless, or those who are easy marks.

The Geezer is perplexed over this one.


We’re going the other way with our new 3loves site in Australia.  It is completely free.  Profiles.  Photos.  Video. Messages.  Winks.  Chat.  Free today and free forever - that is our promise.

We were shocked when we saw how many big media players here were behind online dating sites and how much they charged.  Sure it is business but it also preys unreasonably on people’s insecurities.

So, 3loves is free. 

We’re still in beta and have a nice new design launching in a week.

Mark Fletcher

I see. No wonder I was charged twice more monthly membership than I paid in last year by millioniarematch.com. I had thought I was double charged before contacting their customer service.

Prices will go up as costs increase.

Costs are not increasing though.  Only their advertising costs are going up.  Hosting coat are down.  development costs are manageable.  Mark

I have done some research on this. The money doesn’t really go in toe the design aspect of an online dating site. All of the money is advertising dollars. I have read that to start you need at least 10 to 15 million to get started. This will get dating sites paid sign ups. Even then you will still be in competition with eharmony or match.com.

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