Kathryn's Blog

Yahoo’s Personal’s Premier—Anybody doing it?

I mentioned in my last posting that dating sites are now courting the seriously courters—those folks who are looking for a long term relationship. I checked out which is set up to do just that. Here’s how it’s billed: “Ready for deeper connection? A long-term relationship? puts the right people at the top of your list. “

As opposed to the regular Yahoo! Personals that now are described: “Hold the Relationship...Maybe you’re not quite ready for a commitment yet. If so, you’ll love our Yahoo! Personals standard service - it’s the best way to meet great people. “

Looks like you can search and be searched by all Yahoo! Personals posters. But the ”” subscribers will be identified with a special seal (a purple “P"), so you can tell who is who. Extra services include “Relationship Fit Ratings,” you’ll be able to rate your matches to improve your search results, and you will be able to search Premier members only.

Now of course, extra services mean higher fees, and that’s puts the bill at $35 per month. However, there are specials posted now: $19.95 for a month, and $99.95 for a year! That’s less than $8.50 a month!

This seems like an incredible deal, and here’s why I think so: If you join at the level, you’ll be identified by the Premier seal as seriously looking for a long term relationship. And you’ll know that others with that seal have self-identified that way too. That is an incredible advantage! Why would anyone pay extra to be listed as serious when they are not, when they really are just out for a good time? Additionally, and here’s a big one, you’ll know by the seal that the other person has a paid membership. As you know if you’re a regular reader (see my blog posting of February 17th The Single Biggest Reason They Don’t Answer Your Emails), non-paying posters to dating sites can’t email you back unless they pony up the monthly fee. And up until the Premier desgnation, there’s been no way to tell who pays and who doesn’t. So a very high proportion of non-answered initial emails are because the poster is coasting for free.

I can’t see anything but positive news here. Yea, !

Wait a minute, here’s a negative: It’s going to take some time for others to figure this out and get signed up at this higher level. But don’t let that stop you—you’ll still have access to all the other Yahoo! Personals postings too.

Now, this is a big deal for me to promote Yahoo! this way, since I am a Match.com fan from way back. Match.com is where I met my Sweetie Drew in 1998. But Yahoo! Personals have pulled into the lead—they’re now the biggest site, with Match.com close behind. And this step they are taking with Premier is a good one.

So if any of you out there have had experience with this new version, I want to hear about it. Email me, okay?



They don’t call me Geezer for nuttin’.

While it is a nice touch that you can ID those willing to pay more, to get more definition, I am uncertain that that is a sign of commitment, desperation, or lack of money skills.

And there is that old “relationship test” thingy again.

I got it, how about a site that addresses what men REALLY want, with an indication if wimmin’ are willing ta gits nekkid on the first date, if the guy is hot?

Ok, ok, just testing to see if you were really reading this.

It is a step forward, and another option to sort the wheat from chaff.  Less cloying than Dr. whatshisname’ s site, and true, and perfect match, to be sure, but I am uncertain if this is the answer either.

Why is this so hard, sometimes???

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i never really heard of it. but $35 sounds a little too much

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