Kathryn's Blog

Are you being scammed by Russians?

RussianScamCheck.com that I wrote about in the last posting (August 31, 2008) has a neat questionnaire that will help you decided if you are being scammed.  The questions alone will help alert you to clues of potential scamming. 

Here are a couple of examples:

2. Did she ask you (or hinted) to send her money for one of the following:
* Apartment rent
* Visa or Tickets for trip to you
* Education
* Internet cafe expenses or/and telephone bills
* Illness in the family
* Anything else that asks for your financial support
5. Does her street address contain: “Lenin street”, “Lenina street” or “Sovetskaya street” ?

If you are communicating with a supposedly Russian woman and want to know if you might be being scammed, this free quiz is a “must do.”



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