Kathryn's Blog

Good advice from the AdviceChick

Oi, oi, oi!  When to have sex the first time?  Here’s what the Advice Chick says:
From the AdviceChick on what happens when you have sex too soon:

-----> Ladies, please listen. Notice the signs. Listen to your intuition. When you’re with a guy B.S. (that’s BEFORE Sex) everything is good. He calls all of the time. He responds to your emails almost instantly, he is available and is interested. Usually A.S.T.S. (AFTER sex too soon) he doesn’t (or rarely calls), ignores your emails, and isn’t available or interested. <-----



I agree, there are guys like that.  He will call you and be very interested with you before sex.  But after he got what he want, he will ignore you.

Exactly. After he gets what he wants, he won’t bother to call or email you. Be careful to this kind of guy.

Heh, the signs are always there but the number of pregnant girls is not decresing. What a shame.

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