Kathryn's Blog

The reviews keep on coming—“Find a Sweetheart Soon” gets raves!

I’ve already posted the first of the reviews that are now on the for my book “Find a Sweetheart Soon!” and two more got put up in the last week. I am so THRILLED to see readers’ reactions! Before rewritting “Find a Sweetheart Soon!” over this past few months, I sold the book only through my website, and as a result missed out on the reviews that Amazon encourages. I LOVE reading Amazon reviews and always look at them when I am buying something. What consumers actually write says so much more about the product than the description, which is written by the publisher, a press agent, or the author. See here the latest, and if you have read “Find a Sweetheart Soon!” and write your own review!  Yea!

Naomi has been a fan for awhile, and it shows:

READY, SET, GO—NO EXCUSES!!!What fun! Remember how exciting it was to do arts and crafts when you were little? Well, you will feel like a kid again putting together you very own “Love Trip Planner.” Kathryn Lord guides and directs singles to be their very best and helps to improve their quality of life and their chances of meeting a mate. You feel her love coming through each page. The book is full of thoughtful information for critical introspection. Each chapter builds upon the others through a series of practical exercises. And as a bonus, at the end of the book, you will laugh out loud when you read “165 ways to BLEEP your lover!” You will shake your head in agreement that you have probably used most of the entertaining reasons “not to” yourself at one time or another. What the book really offers, however, is a creative way to get to the heart of what is holding singles back from moving forward, and creating the life they want. So, are you ready to let go of your single status? With this book you will find that there really are no excuses anymore for anybody looking to find their true love. Get the book, do the exercises, get results!!

Ginger’s words mean a lot. She clearly knows what’s out there in terms of help for singles, and her words of praise tell me that I am on the right track.

One of the best guides I’ve readI have read just about every book out there on dating, especially internet dating, and this is one of the very best and most useful. Not only am I an internet dater, I’m also a writer and wrote an article about getting back into dating in your 50s. For the article I surveyed the millions of books out there on the subject and Kathryn’s is really one of the top ones on how to actually get yourself back out there, especially on the internet. One of the things I like the best about it is the realistic approach it takes. So many of these books are “pie in the sky” idealistic ones that are written for 20 year olds or raving beauties or people who are so highly driven/charged that it’s really not too hard for them to work it. For me, as the 50-something custodial mother of teens who has been somewhat badly burned by my divorce, it takes a pretty strong dose of support to get me past the hurdles and back on the scene. Kathryn’s book provides this—and all the jolly, fun parts too, like suggestions on making a “map” of how to get from where you are to where you want to be. I heartily endorse this book!

Thanks, Ginger and Naomi!



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