Kathryn's Blog

Googling “Kathryn Lord” Yields Great Finds!

Just as I recommend that you Google yourself*** regularly to find out what’s out there in cyberspace about you or someone else with your name, I Google myself once in awhile, too. And along with what I see listed every time, like my own website, I usually find my articles posted in new places that I didn’t know about, or me quoted in other people’s postings.

Here’s an article on GreatBoyfriends.com that the author interview me for—It’s pretty darned good, if I do say so myself. Great advice for new online daters. The author Kathleen Murray quoted me accurately, not always the case in interviews.

This is one of my favorite pieces on the importance of have a good attitude.

Four of my articles are posted here, including one on… Googling!

This British site MyAgonyAunt (isn’t that a great name?) has Speed Dating Online and Off and
Does Internet Dating Work?

How did I get on this site for Russian Brides? Well, the article on why not to lie is a good one!

Whew! That’s enough for now. I’ve got lots of links I need to trace down.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord

***You haven’t Googled yourself??? Here’s how: go to google.com and do a search on your name in quotation marks. I searched “Kathryn Lord”



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