Kathryn's Blog

Money Money Money Money

If you are single and out of your teens, you are probably either building up some net worth or some net debt.  And if you are single and looking for a mate, you’d better put checking out your potential partner’s net worth and debt too. 

In an article in the Miami Herald, Jodi Mailander Farrell reports that 1/3 of 1,022 people sampled by Fair Isaac Corp said that a “lack of financial responsibility” damaged their relationships more than even infidelity.  And here’s another juicy tidbit: Respondents said more that twice as often that financial compatibility was more important than good sex. 

It’s a good idea to get your finances straight and understandable before you need to explain them to someone else.  Chapter 12 “Traveler’s Checks” of my book “Find a Sweetheart Soon!  Your Love Trip Planner for Women” takes you through taking control of your finances, if you need it. Click here to find out more about my book and how to order.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord




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