Kathryn's Blog

More on Richard Roe and www.SeniorBachelor.com

Just a couple of days ago, I wrote a posting here about Richard Roe who was on Oprah that day talking about his search for a Sweetie to accompany him on a round the world trip (www.SeniorBachelor.com). Apparently, he’s getting lots of attention (Appearing on “Oprah!” alone will do that, and he is offering to pay for whole trip, so that tends to focus the audience for sure!), because my blog has gotten a flurry of visits because of that entry. And interesting comments—take a look.

So I did a little more searching around the Net, and here’s a tidbit I found out about Richard Roe: He’s been on Oprah! before! Seems like his son Chris is a film maker, and did a documentary of a trip he and his Dad did together. Here’s the description from Chris’s website:

“Pop & Me” is the highly acclaimed, award-winning feature-length documentary of a six month trip I took around the world with my father (Richard Roe) as we interviewed other fathers and sons. The film has won 6 international film festivals, was an Academy Award® semi-finalist, distributed by MGM Home Entertainment, was released theatrically in 6 cities and is now available on video and DVD. Publicity includes a featured double-segment on the Oprah Show, a 3 page article in People Magazine, The CBS Early Show with Bryant Gumble, ABC World News Tonight, BBC, CNN, NPR, and many national and local media outlets.

Sounds to me like Dad has gotten hooked on around-the-world travel. And I’m taking bets that son Chris will be filming this trip, too. Talk about buzz marketing! What an angle. This guy has gotten Oprah to hawk for him! And maybe son Chris will be piggybacking. Sounds like the trip might actually MAKE money, certainly 15 minutes of fame, and probably be a tax deduction. What do you think?

Ladies, if you apply, you’d better be photogenic.

Best, Katharine



Well, good for the old man and kid to go around and interview other fathers and sons around the world.

So far so good.  However, getting the word out on a wimmin’s show is just further evidence of the neutering, and the silencing of the males in this country.  Men need to speak for men, not through the filter (and the questions that wimmin may ask, via Oprah) of women speaking for men, and about men’s experiences.

Some will poo-poo my comments, but if I were to speak for wimmin’ it would be hard to hear me for the caterwalling around a man speaking for wimmin.  So, why is the reverse acceptable?

Think about it for a minute, while I get more coffee, so I can get really revved up.



Hi I think any woman that would go for that man would have to be very hard up to put it bluntly. To be chosen by his xwife and x girlfriends is crazy.  I don’t know what this man is looking for but it sure isn’t love

Forget Richard and Oprah, I’ve just always wondered why most of these shows attempting matches of any kind pick thirty somethings when the majority of our population is over 50?

I thought of sending in a video…but alas reality hit and I knew Eye candy was in the cards. Which is not to say many of us over 50s aren’t..but.

His age requirements and then the comment about he wouldn’t turn down a younger woman, well yeah it will be a good photo op

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