Blog Policy #3
I have started posting the full articles of pieces that I find interesting and that I would have linked to in the past. I post the whole article because I found that the link would often become worthless after a few days or weeks. No longer would it lead to the original source, so that I could not refer to it, and neither could the reader. I was constantly fielding complaints when links did not work. If you object to my posting an article of yours here and would like it to be removed, please contact me.
Blog Policy #2
I try to gather information for my readers about online dating from various sources, most of which I found on the Internet. As far as I know, what I reprint is true. My opinions are mine, garnered from the material printed and my long experience in the field. If something I present is not factual or true, please tell me so. I am a reasonable person and do not need to be threatened to make changes if I am wrong. If I find out that you are correct, I will change the posting and/or issue a retraction. However, if what I have written cannot be proven as untrue but just offensive or bothersome, I will leave it posted.
I cannot control comments that readers post on my blog, but I have on occasion removed such postings if they are offensive, untrue, or irrelevant. If you question the appropriateness of a blog comment, contact me with the citation and I will review it.
Heart Cookies
You never can tell when you might need some heart-shaped cookies, right? These gorgeous morsels are tasty and really quite easy to make and decorate, and as you see, they can be very impressive!
Below you’ll find pictures that Drew took while I made these cookies so that you can see the technique I have invented that makes stunning cookies pretty easy to turn out, pretty fast. And I’ll even give you the recipe, with a bonus offer or two included: Just .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
to me ( .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
) and you will get it by return email.
Roll out the chilled dough and cut with heart-shaped cutters (I’ve got quite a collection—I pick them up through the year, but the pickings are particularly good around Valentine’s).

After baking and cooling completely, I make a frosting glaze with powdered sugar and milk or cream. Starting with plain white glaze, I brush it on the cookies with a pastry brush. I find I even like the brush marks, which make the cookies look even artier. I do about 1/3 of the cookies in white glaze, then tint some pink and do another 1/3, then finish up with more food coloring to make the glaze dark red. Bring on the red dye 2!

Colored sugars are the easiest decoration of all, and they come in lots of great colors and shapes. Put a few tablespoons of each in shallow dishes and dip the freshly glazed cookies in the sugars. Try different colored sugars over the different color glazes to get more color combinations.

I like to paint the larger cookies with zig zags and stripes, and I’ve figured out the easiest method imaginable. Spoon glaze in the corner of a plastic sandwich bag, twist the open top and squeeze, then take a tiny snip off the corner, and use it like a pastry decorating bag to paint free-form stripes and plaids. Again, use three colors of glaze for more variety and combinations.

Leave the finished cookies out until the glaze gets very hard. Store in an air-tight container. You can even make these way ahead and freeze them. How about having some on ice for when the Right Romantic Moment strikes?

Doesn’t this picture make you want a latte or a cup of hot tea?
P. S. Don’t forget to email me and get the recipe—and more! Send a blank email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)