Kathryn's Blog

ABC’s “Hooking Up” Starts Tonight!

I have tried and tried and tried to get an advance copy of this ABC documentary “Hooking Up” so that I could tell you more than a rehashed version of what others are writing, but I can’t.

Well, that is actually not so, because a very nice guy at ABC sent me a critic’s package with a CD to preview. But IT WOULDN’T LOAD ON MY DVD PLAYER! Ugh! So I am in the same position as you are: I have to watch it as shown, tonight at 9pm Eastern.

“Hooking Up” is a five part series, to be played over the next few weeks, and edited down from miles and miles of videotape. The filmmakers followed twelve Manhattan women over months through their online dating trials and tribulations. I am hoping for some successes here, too! So let’s all watch, and I want to hear what you have to say! Right here, in my comments section. Let’s review this, put in our $2 worth, okay?

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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