Kathryn's Blog

Chocolate and sex

I picked up a copy of “The Economist” in February, probably the first time ever.  And what should I see but my very own logo (a chocolate dipped strawberry) as the back drop of a fascinating graph.  Not only did I just have to post it here, so y’all could know this trivia, but also, Sweetie Pie Drew used it in his Valentine’s Day lecture to his botany class.

Valentine’s Day Food of love

Feb 14th 2008
From Economist.com

ON VALENTINE’S DAY the relationship between chocolate and sex becomes, at least for gentlemen considering the ideal gift, less a matter of theoretical musing and one of stark practicality. Will a box of chocolates do the trick? In some parts of Europe sex and chocolate go hand in hand, though a causal link is unclear. Mediterranean lovers tend to have as much sex but less chocolate—perhaps hotter weather has a bearing on both. The Japanese have precious little of either.



Chocolate is still the best gift for your date. Call it old school but it works most of the time.

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