Kathryn's Blog

Depressing Dating Stories From Abroad

Here are three different and dreary stories I saw recently:

From Asia—A 20 year old woman emailed her then-boyfriend topless photos of herself. When she later tried to end the relationship, he demanded money or he would post the photos on the Net. Evidently, this is not uncommon, that men will later use compromising photos to get women to meet them or give them money.

Young men in Somaliland are worried. Young Somaliland women have learned about the Internet and use it regularly in Internet cafes to meet men in other countries. Fellows closer to home do not have as much to offer materially, and the women are probably making the best deals they can. In an odd response, they are being encouraged to marry local men (and get pregnant) earlier, forgoing their education (and probably Internet cafes). I wonder why no one seems to be thinking of how to improve the marketability of the Somaliland men?

In an odd reversal of the American men and Russian or Fillipina brides, Janet Masters (40) of Australia married Emmanuel Ochola (28) of Uganda. Even Ochola’s village neighbors were happy about the match: They think that Masters will invest in the area and improved the impoverished conditions. Ms. Masters (Mrs. Ochola?) plans to take her husband to Australia and get him a job, then come back to Uganda and build him a house. Ochola is pleased with the deal, too, which included a cell phone, all the wedding expenses, and new clothes.

To balance this whole business off, keep in mind that there are far more stories of successful matches that started online.  Just check out any of my postings titled “We Love Love Stories” or similar.  Remember the journalism rule: “If it bleeds, it leads.”  Horror stories sell papers, that’s why they get printed.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



I’d be very careful divulging to much information into a date before I really get to know them. Especially if I go on a Webdate and it is someone I met from online. I know on some level you have to let someone know stuff about you, but I would be careful still until a relationship has been established. And no nude photos, ever. Or until you’re married. =)

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