Kathryn's Blog

Geeks to Geeks

If you are more comfortable at a computer keyboard than any other place in the world, if “geek” or “geeky” applies to you (or you are turned on by such), I have the site for you: www.gk2gk.com And good news if you are looks challenged: gk2gk doesn’t post pictures!

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



A reader just wrote me the following:
I just thought you should know that this site has recently started allowing pictures on it. Its explanation was that, while geeks aren’t that interested in looks, it’s kind of nice to see what the person you’re going to contact looks like.

It still, to me, has a lot going for it. For one thing, geeks are really great people, especially for other geeks to meet. Their profile is specifically designed for geeks, not like other “niche” sites which use the same profile questions regardless of what niche they claim to address (most of them are just pieces of a big conglomerate).

And, they seem to have a cool scoring system for matches that lets you pick the most important areas of a profile to get the score that is most appropriate for me. I’ve met several girls on it, the most recent one of which I’m very serious about. And I liked her looks instantly, even though she wouldn’t qualify for any beauty pageant.

Thanks for your site. It’s cool.

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