Kathryn's Blog

Good Morning America, Samantha Daniels, and Suddenly Single

Good Morning America has been doing a series called “Suddenly Single,” and today the topic was starting dating again.  The expert of the day was Samantha Daniels, matchmaker and author of “Matchbook” that I reviewed in an earlier blog posting.  Don’t you just love how they tell you for two hours that what you want to see is coming up next?  Then you watch and watch what you don’t want to see before it finally comes up in the last half hour.

I’ve learned that you can’t depend on morning TV for in-depth coverage of subjects, but Daniels with three mid-life divorced women just didn’t shed much light on the topic.  As I said in my review of “Matchbook,” while the book was a fun read, a weakness was that Daniels had not been married.  Therefore, she certainly has not been divorced, and I don’t recall that her single clients were divorced, either.  So how could she speak with expertise about divorced women starting dating again?  Daniels kept repeating that the women needed to accept and feel okay about their divorced state, and be wary about talking too much about their kids.  Wow.  That really is a big help.

I can think of lots of folks who would have been better choices for this “Suddenly Single” series.  Like me, for instance.  ButI’m really not interested in being a Network TV “expert,” or I would have hired a publicist who got me that kind of gigue, whether it was appropriate or not.  Well, maybe if Charlie Gibson called me personally and begged.  Maybe.

By the way, the last segment was baby animals from the zoo, and the cloud panther kittens made my watching the rest worthwhile. They were so CUTE!



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