Kathryn's Blog

Mom’s Getting Married!

Those of you who read my enewsletter *eMAIL to eMATE* know that my 81 year old mother (her birthday is today—Happy Birthday, Mom!) is getting married this Saturday, April 2. (If you aren’t a subscriber to my newsletter, you ought to be: Click here to sign up!) Anyway, Drew and I are leaving tomorrow for Florida to help get the new couple married off, so I will not be posting here on my blog until I get back on April 5. I PROMISE to put in a picture or two of the happy couple. Drew’s the official photographer, so we should have lots.

Since the groom is 86, none of my clients in their 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s get any sympathy from me when they fuss about being too old and they will never find a Sweetheart. If Mom did it, so can you. No whiners allowed.

I am leaving my cats in charge, and you’ll see from the photos that they are good office staff. And if you’d like to send good wishes to my mother and her beau, post them here and I’ll pass them on!



Congratulations to your mom and her new husband.  I think that is just wonderful that they found each other.

I will be looking in on your blog, want to see the wedding pictures of the happy couple.

Good luck to all.

Millie - My Momsblog.blogspot.com

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