Kathryn's Blog

Disappointed Singles Go To Court

A Manhattan court awarded return of fees paid two women who signed contracts with Great Expectations. While I’m not crystal clear on all the details, it sounds as if Great Expectations defended itself as strictly an Internet dating site where people post profiles and then contact each other, but the women joined thinking that they would be introduced to up to up to 12 people. Regardless of the initial expectations, one woman paid $1,000 for a six month membership and the other paid $3,790 for a 54 month membership.

FYI, most dating sites charge around $25 per month, less when they offer specials or multiple month deals. $25 a month or less is a great deal, but $1,000 for a year is way overpriced.

For a more “frivolous” legal tiff involving a dating site, see this story: Soheil Dawood sued jDate and an unnamed woman, saying he suffered “serious psychological injury” in an interchange he had with the unnamed woman through jDate. While this is a good example of how anyone can sue for anything practically, it’s also a good warning to be scrupulous, honest, and kind in your Internet dating behavior.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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