Kathryn's Blog

Facts On Internet Dating Safety Refute True.com’s Scare Tactics

From two more articles about True.com and attempts to legislate background checks on Internet daters:

“In his more than six years with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Computer Crimes Center, Special Agent Supervisor Bob Breeden has not seen a single online dating-related case, he said.

“By comparison, he’s seen many crimes resulting from Internet chat room meetings. Those sites would not be regulated by the bill, which would only apply to matchmaking services that charge a fee to members.

“The center reviews many of the state’s computer-related crimes, but there is no definitive tally of dating site-related incidents in the state, Breeden said.” From

“A spokeswoman from Match.com, which doesn’t offer background checks, dubbed True.com’s campaign ‘a thinly veiled PR ploy.’

“She told a news wire that True.com was trying to make its mark by implying that there’s a problem that doesn’t exist. ‘... We’ve only had a handful of cases in our 10 years of operation.’

“The Florida police’s Computer Crimes Center agreed saying that in the last six years they had not seen a single online dating-related case. Most of the crimes across its desk were from internet chat rooms which would not be regulated by the bill.” “Florida wants to regulate online dating” by Nick Farrell

Sounds to me like plain old dating sites with no criminal records checks are far safer than chat rooms.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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