Kathryn's Blog

I’m Single Again!

Well, not really. But sort of. Drew’s away for the next 10 days, and I mean REALLY away—he’s in Bulgaria. I haven’t heard a peep out of him yet. Either he’s dropped from exhaustion (he left here yesterday at 8am, should have arrived there about 24 hours later), or he hasn’t figured out an Internet connection yet. Or maybe he’s lost.

So anyway, I am on my own.

Drew travels a lot for his work, but this is the farthest he’s ever been and it’s a little disconcerting. I could get in touch if I absolutely had to, I supposed, but meanwhile, I wait.

Now, usually I rather look forward to his being away, and I did this time too. I like the difference, the time I suddenly have, the lack of distraction. As much as I love Drew and being married to him, I like being by myself too.

What I always notice when Drew is gone is how much time I suddenly have. Relationships take a lot of time! And that’s not just the time that he is actually here, we are talking or having dinner together. It’s also the mental space of being aware of where he is in the house or at work, thinking about what needs to be done to maintain us physically, like buying groceries, or doing laundry, or keeping things picked up and organized.

Of course, I still eat, whether he is here or not. But I usually don’t plan and cook in the same way. Last night for dinner, I had a big bowl of popcorn and a small bowl of strawberries. And the housework isn’t so demanding—things don’t get so disordered or dirty, and I don’t care so much, since no one is seeing it but me.

I can focus more single-mindedly and for longer periods of time. I get a LOT done.

Except when I am doing what he usually does, like water the garden, take out the garbage, get the mail, feed the kitties. Don’t forget to feed the hummingbirds, and watch the mail for bills that might need paying. Where is he when I need him? I’m going to have to fix the broken doorbell, too. Rats. It’s much easier to ask Drew to do it.

So you’ll be hearing about it over the next few days, what my temporary single status is like and how that might relate to you…

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



Enjoy it, but don’t get too used to it!

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