Kathryn's Blog

Lying About Age? Bad Idea!

Eeeow!  Clearly Joan LaFontaine is not one of my readers.  If she was, she would know how important it is to never, never, never lie in your online dating profile and Internet communictions—unless you really don’t care about building a long term, trusting relationship.  Anne Rogers of the Palm Beach Post wrote about Joan in 11/4/06 article “I lie about my age on the internet!”  Joan almost brags when she tells about shaving 7 years off her age when she signed up on Match.com.  She has been on Match for about 2 years and says she had had 40 dates, 36 of them only once.  Maybe they could tell she was lying?  Joan even ended up on Dr. Phil last spring because of her self confessed lies.

I’ve written about this over and over:  It’s just not worth the risk.  Unless you are like Joan, who does not really sound like she wants a relationship at all.  Just read the article.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



For those who love those websites and want to find a real love they should pay attention to this advice.

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