Kathryn's Blog

Resources Just for Married Folks Fooling Around

According to an article in ABC news by Buck Wolf, Jupiter Research reports that 12% of people registering with online dating sites are married.  That’s a much lower percentage than I had heard rumored, so I am actually relieved.

Married folks thinking about trying online dating: Please do us all a favor and seek out the sites that are now springing up to cater to your needs: AshleyMadison.com’s slogan is “When Monogamy Meets Monotony.”  And Philanderers.com will teach you how to hide what you are doing from your spouse.

Singles: It might pay for you to educate yourself on how such philanderers might hide what they are doing from YOU.  Take a look at Philanderers.com’s collection of articles and see some of the techniques they suggest for keeping everyone in the figurative dark.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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