Kathryn's Blog

Romance Coach Meets the Geezer

Some of you may have noticed a flurry of comments posted the last few days in response to my blog entries (Like under the “Gender Ratios” piece or my rants about True.com). The comments are signed “The Geezer,” but the writer is much more handsome than his handle would suggest. Here’s a picture of the two of us when I took Mark out to dinner in Seattle, August 2003. Mark found my enewsletter about the second time I published it three years ago, and has been a loyal fan and gadfly ever since. He really takes me on when he thinks I am bashing men (MOI? Mais, non!), but then I smack him and he straightens up. He’s a sweetie, and gave me the greatest compliment after dinner: “Drew’s a lucky man.You’re better looking than your pictures.”



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Yeah, I said that, and she is.

I don’t recall her hitting me upside the head, although I am certain she has that urge from time to time.

What I do remember is her picking up the check.  My kinda gal.  Yuppers, Drew is one lucky guy.

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