Kathryn's Blog

“Secrets of the Sexes” is a Must-See

I was so lucky when I got the satellite dish TV system installed here in our new Tallahassee house.  The special deal at the time included a DVD recorder, and I am hooked.  I know, most of you probably have had this technology (like Tivo) for years, but it was all new to me.

I’ve got it set to record all kinds of things so that I always have something interesting to watch when I am in the mood.  My big find this past week has been PBS’s ““Secrets of the Sexes.  I watched the first two parts the other night.  Wow!  Fascinating.

So I did some Googling around about the series (one more left, which will be on next week), and found out that it is a British series that first aired last week.  I went to the BBC site and Bull’s Eye!  Lots of free info, AND tests that you can take that were the type of tests used by the sex researches who took part in the series.

If “Secrets of the Sexes” shows in your area, set your Tivo to record, or if you are behind even me in getting current with DVD recording, try to catch the shows when they air.  If you are at all interested in the scientific reasoning on why people (men. women, and attraction) do what they do, you will get some great info.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord




Will you have all 3 episodes tivo’d? 

I saw parts of 2 of the episodes and what was revealed is just amazing.  I have tried to locate dvds of this series but have not been successfuul to date.  In your googling did you discover any access to the series?


Hi Dave—No, sorry, I did not find any other accesses to the series.  But fascinating, right? 


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