Kathryn's Blog

We Love Love Stories Unbelievable!

Now, here’s an “I can’t believe that!” and in a “We Love Love Stories!” story, too:

Mary Montoya and Joe Chipkar met in an online dating site.  Two weeks later,during their first during, they found out that they had both been adopted, both born in 1964 at the St. Joseph’s maternity hospital and orphanage in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  Mary and Joe began just a few cribs apart.  They married in April 2006.

I recently heard a similar story: A new couple who met online figured out early on that their families had been neighbors, their parents best friends, and he had had a crush on her for years.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



I know of an unbelievable lovestory, it concerns a dear friend of mine who got asked out on a date, we talked all week about what she should wear, her hair, the works. Finally on that Saturday this guy drives a little over 100 miles for a date on his only day off, he checks into the hotel, she and I are running around town to get the last details right and almost make her late. Well she meets him at his hotel they go out for dinner as planned have a great time and by Monday he’s calling asking her how she’d feel about being a preacher’s wife, it’s been a rollacoaster every sense, the wedding is being planned as we speak. They are looking for a new house for their combined children and as giddy as a couple of teenagers in love. The fact that I actually get to be a small part of this joy is an honor. I know they will be very happy, their kids get along great with each of them and each other!

That is a great story, Sonya.  Thanks for telling us!

Best, Kathryn

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