Kathryn's Blog

UK Dating Site Reports Interesting Stats

Gumtree.com, a London, England, site, surveyed 1600 of it’s members about their Internet dating experiences.  While it doesn’t mean much for U. S. singles to know that Glasgow came out on top for dating site usage and success (almost 3/4 of the men and over half the women reported having a “fling” with someone they met online), still, the numbers indicate the growing importance of dating sites for singles to connect.  Glasgow men and women also reported high percentages of longer term romance: 68% of men, 71% of women reported at least one serious or long-term relationship stemming from an Internet meeting.

Here’s the figures that I found most interesting: 77% of men and 33% of women from Glasgow said they found Internet dating more comfortable for connecting than a bar or the workplace.  Wow.

This all points to the growing acceptance of online connecting.  Singles like the ease, simplicity, and privacy.  Not to mention the ability to meet many, many more eligible singles than has ever been possible before.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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