Kathryn's Blog

Cuddle Parties Go Commercial

Wouldn’t you know it? Either someone has figured out a way to make money off Cuddle Parties., or Cuddle Parties were invented to make money first, then marketed. See my earlier posting. Here’s a site that both describes Cuddle Parties and also lists upcoming ones. AND you can get training to be a Cuddle Party facilitator—Just $700 for a weekend-long session.

I can’t believe that this is not a commercial venture. I couldn’t find anywhere on the site what it costs to go to one of these parties, but it MUST cost something, if you have to pay to get trained to facilitate them.

Okay, now I really want to know: Has anyone over the age of 10 been to one of these? Have YOU? What’s it like?

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



I went to one over a year ago and wrote about it on my blog.

Wierd sheyt, methinks.


Just the idea of a “cuddle party” makes me uncomfortable.  Maybe its just me, but I hate when strangers touch me.  This kinda sounds like a perverts dream come true.  “Hey! Come lay down with a bunch of people you do not know and fondle away!!” ::shivers::  Haha, anyways, I found this site called associatedcontent.com that hosts a bunch of articles on relationships and dating, listed under lifestyle. There are some nice tidbits of info found in there.
PS-Wouldnt the value of cuddling with a loved one go down if you could freely cuddle with strangers every weekend?

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