Kathryn's Blog

Good News for Men: Women Catch Up

With computers and the Internet, men have traditionally outnumbered women, if you can call the history of the brief life of the Internet a tradition.

When Match.com first got going in 1995, they purposely made the site “clean and friendly” to attract women, figuring correctly, that if women came, so would the men.

Recent figures suggest that Match.com has done this very well: Match now has 55% female visitors to 45% male.  Some sites have done even better: eHarmony is 69% female, Catholic Match 72% women, SeniorPeopleMeet.com 80.8% ladies, and LoveAccess.com 87% women!!!  (figures according to Hitwise)

Yahoo! Personals still has a slight edge of more men: 51% to 49%, male to female.

What’s going on?  Women are finding out that online dating works and is safe (at least as safe as regular off line dating).  “The more monye and time involved in signing up to a dating site, the more the site the site would skew female.  And, the more free pictures were available the more the site would skew male.”

Women are also going where the money is: Sugar Daddie is 68% women.

Where do the men go?  Gay sites, of course.  And the Internet equivalent of mail-order brides from abroad.  While these articles don’t include the sexier sites, AdultFriendFinder is overwhelmingly male.

Good news for men, right.  Not so good for women.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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