Kathryn's Blog

Lovespring International

Well, you know when online dating and matchmaking has hit the mainstream when tv shows come out using them as themes.  Last year, ABC did “Hooking Up” which was great fun (and painful) to watch and quite an education.  I wrote about it many times on my blog when it was on—you’ll find the entries here.

This summer brings two offerings: “Lovespring International” on Lifetime and “How to Get the Guy” on ABC.  We had such bad weather here last night (Alberto) that “How to” did not record, but I saw “Lovespring International” last week and this, and my goodness, it is a hoot.

“Lovespring International” is a comedy and meant to be so, in the same vein as HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”  It is so tongue-in-cheek and sharp, I love it already.  It’s hard to say who I like best, but when Tiffany the receptionist is on the screen, I am straining for her every whispered word.  The psychologist character is too much.  If you are in the mood to laugh at dating and matchmaking foibles, you’ve got to check this out.

I’ve already got a negative edge about “how to Get the Guy.”  This purports to be a reality show, but the two folks that they call love coaches J D Roberto and Theresa Strasser seem to have much more media experience than coaching know-how. 

Here’s what my reader Ben wrote me this morning:

I saw How to Get the Guy last night, and I thought
that it was pretty funny.  As a reality show, it
seemed more fake and contrived than others (for
example, the cheesy voiceovers that the women give).
Also, I have my doubts about the “love coaches”.
However, the women and their situations appeared to be

Anybody else want to chime in on these two offerings?

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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