Kathryn's Blog

Malcom Gladwell’s “Blink”

Even though Drew and I had no shared history when we met via Match.com in 1998, we had lots of parallel experiences.  One is that both of us had watched “Sunday Morning” on CBS for years.  We still try to catch it every week.  If you aren’t a watcher,“Sunday Morning” is a hour and a half show that gives a mixture of topics extended coverage.  The tone is slow and leisurely, perfect for Sunday mornings.  Like having coffee and reading the New York Times.

This morning, we had a special treat: one of the segments was on Malcolm Gladwell’s new book “Blink” which I wrote extensively about in an earlier blog posting.  It seems that “Blink” is now #1 on the New York Times Bestseller’s List, and ought to be #1 on your reading list, if you haven’t read it already.  Singles, whether they are Internet dating, speed dating, or old-fashioned dating, need to know and understand the quick decision-making processes they use, and how this tendency can work tremendously or disastrously.



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