Kathryn's Blog

Match.com and Yahoo! Personals Go to Court

Eeeow! It’s all over the CyberWires today about the suits recently filed against Yahoo! Personals and Match.com. Here are a few of the articles: The Independent, The Telegraph, USA Today. The suit against Match.com alleges that company employees sent bogus romantic emails to members so that they would resubscribe, and even went out on dates with members.

The Yahoo! Personals suit alleges that the dating site posted profiles of ficticious singles to make it appear that there were more members on the site than in actuality.

I wonder what the truth is here. What’s been your experience? Granted, it was 1998 when I met my Sweetie on Match.com, and he is very much for real. And neither of us were ever employed by Match.com. Or approached by anyone who might have been.

We are seeing more legal action lately (see my previous posting). Does it have to do with the “maturing of the field” or perceived deep pockets of the dating sites. Or could this somehow be based in reality? While I have no problem believing that some small sites or dating agencies migh have less than ideal business ethics, Match.com and Yahoo! Personals??? Why would such big guys need to be deceptive? Worry about deception between members is bad enough.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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