Kathryn's Blog

Mom’s Worst Advice

My mother was great at teaching me the womanly arts of housekeeping. I can cook, sew, iron, and clean with the best of them. But she was lousy at teaching me about attracting boys and men. Her advice? Don’t let them know you are interested. Pretend you don’t care.

(Regular readers know that Mom got married last year at age 81. Believe me, we were all surprised—happy for her, but surprised nonetheless. My mother is definitely not a babe.)

I thought she must be right, so I perfected my stance so well that it is simply amazing that I ever attracted anyone at all. I did get married at age 19 (yes, we used to do that in the Olden Days), but that poor guy had to be really persistent.

I finally learned and changed my ways, but it took me forty years. For goodness sake, what’s wrong with being interested in love? What a crazy message! Putting a profile up and online is a huge matter for lots of singles. And I’ll bet a lot of that worry is that it goes against some lesson like I got from my Mom.

You’ve got to put out some kind of interest. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. In fact, there’s even more to be proud of. Don’t let letting your interest show stop you from getting moving.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



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