Kathryn's Blog

What Are the Numbers Anyway?

eHarmony released some eye-popping numbers on January 31: According to an independent survey by Harris Interactive, 16,630 marriages between September 1, 2004, and August 31, 2005, resulted from eHarmony matchups. Since each marriage consists of two people, that means slightly more than 90 singles per day get hitched because of Dr. Warren and company. (16,630 times 2 divided by 365 = 91.12) Those are some numbers by anyone’s calculations.

These are the “hardest” numbers that I have seen so far, at least gathered in what appears to be a legitimate effort. Up until now, the only number I have seen have been from Match.com, and those are self-reports: From my website—“In 2003, more than 200,000 members reported that they were resigning from Match.com because they had met the person they were seeking.” And ” Match.com claims to initiate over 130 engagements and marriages each month.”
There’s a big gap between 130 engagements and marriages a month (3,120 a year at that rate) and 200,000 satisfied resignations. Even eHarmony’s numbers are only 33,260 happy singles a year.

Probably the truth is somewhere inbetween. Or maybe not, since those figures are a year or two old. We know that Internet dating continues to grow as an industry, though not as fast as the 75% growth rates of a few years ago.

Regardless, that’s a lot of happy people, or at least we hope that they are all happy. If “The proof is in the pudding,” that’s quite a set of plums.

I do wonder if Harris Interactive asked about couples who met on other dating sites like Match and Yahoo! And I also wonder how many couples, total, got married in the time frame specified. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Though a survry in mid-2004 indicated that about 15% of marrying couples met online.

From Your Romance Coach, Kathryn Lord



TECHNOLOGY FOR TV CHARACTERS OF THE ‘60s & ‘70s (including eHarmony.com)

Have you ever wondered how the incorporation of today’s technology would have changed the story lines of our favorite television shows from the ‘60s and ‘70s? Well, I did a little research on this topic and came up with some interesting possibilities.

One show wouldn’t even exist if Global Positioning System Equipment (a.k.a., GPS) had been around back in the ‘60s. Yes, the castaways of Gilligan’s Island never would have gotten lost if they had had GPS equipment on the S.S. Minnow.

And what about The Brady Bunch? If they had only had one of those multi-phone family cell phone plans — and, of course, cell phone technology — Mike Brady wouldn’t have had to install a pay phone in the family room to keep the kids from fighting over the Brady’s one regular home phone.

This last one is more difficult.

What television brothers could have benefited from the online relationship company, eHarmony.com? The answer: The Cartwright brothers of Bonanza fame.

In fact, Little Joe, Hoss and Adam could have written the book on bachelorhood.

Did you know that, despite the fact that the story lines of 38 Bonanza episodes involved at least one member of the Cartwright family falling in love, none of the boys ever married during the show’s eight-year run.

Surely, eHarmony.com could have helped the boys — even Hoss! — meet their soul mates.

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